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Job Search Platforms

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Job Search Platforms

In today's world, it is an undeniable fact that everyone knows how challenging it is for individuals to find the job they dream of. It is said that the number of people looking for high quality jobs all over the world is much higher than the number of high quality jobs, and that population growth has increased much faster than the number of quality jobs. Therefore, looking for a job has become a job itself. Just like in a work process, during the job search process, it is also necessary to determine goals correctly, to make the necessary preparations, to plan correctly and to be resistant against the challenges encountered.

At this point, Internet appears to be one of the important resources individuals can use in order to find the work of their dreams. Institutions and organizations prefer to conduct their search for employees online because of its rapid and more economical status. They are trying to meet their employee demands using both the Human Resources sections on their websites and the job search platforms.

You should not ignore this fact while planning your job search process. Within the direction of your career plan, keeping an eye on the HR sections on the websites of organizations you want to be employed at and job search platforms, creating and updating your CV frequently will help you in your job search.

The following table includes some platforms that may be useful during the job search process. By reviewing these platforms, you can generate CVs on those you consider as suitable for you. You can receive support from Peer Mentors in the process of generating CV. 

If there are any other pages that you would like to see among Job Search Platforms, please notify tr. We will evaluate your recommendations in the earliest convenience and add the appropriate ones to our website.