Career Development Center -


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Our Defination of "Being Rational"

To be a person who is wise and senseful, who makes conceivable and probable decisions, who prepares feasible plans and also to be a person who is visionary and is able to foresee the possible obstacles on his/her way and takes precautions accordingly.

Our works aimed at helping our students, alumni and staff improve with rational steps in their career path are as follows;

CV Forming Workshop
We consider the CV Forming process as an important step for forming 'Personal Brand' that is "prominent qualifications of the individual and the impression on other people" and we organize workshops in order to help students form CV.
In these workshops in which they find opportunity to learn about the comments and suggestions by the experts working in the recruitment department of the companies and reading tens of CV every day, we guide our students to form an effective CV that might provide them with an interview.

Competence-Based Interview Workshop
We organize workshops in the subjects that are "competence-based interview" and come into prominence in the recruitment and promotion process. In these competence-based workshops we talk to our staff, students and alumni about the things they need to pay attention to in the interviews and how to reveal their strong sides both in the recruitment process and at the promotion stage.
In the competence- based interview workshops organized with our staff we handle the "reassignment" and "promotion" process.