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Practical English

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Practical English

Speaking a foreign language at an advanced level is essential for a successful career development in today's world. We also want our students know at least one foreign language at the advanced level, and we perform various activities in order to help them in this regard.

6 Minute With BBC Each Week is one of these studies.The 6-Minute Training Module by the BBC includes 6-minute audio recordings of daily life topics and the texts of those audio recordings. Each module focuses on 6 words and teaches the daily use of these words. 


Do adults exercise enough?
05 OCT 2017

To listen please click.
To read the texk please click.

Vocabulary of the Week
vigorous - saunter - brisk - build something in - incrementally - sedentary

What can't computers do?
28 SEP 2017

To listen please click
To read the text please click.

Vocabulary of the Week
artificial intelligence (AI) - algorithm - limitations - take something for granted -
to implement - cutting edge

The wonders of hair
21 SEP 2017

Konuşmayı dinlemek için tıklayın.
Konuşma metnini okumak için tıklayın.

Vocabulary of the Week
hair raising - hair follicle - baldness - of a certain age - facial - regenerate

Having a row or asking directions?
14 SEP 2017

Konuşmayı dinlemek için tıklayın.
Konuşmanın metnini okumak için tıklayın.

Vocabulary of the Week
to fall out with somebody - gesture - faux pas - offend - expressive

07 SEP 2017

Konuşmayı dinlemek için tıklayın.
Konuşmanın metnini okumak için tıklayın.

Vocabulary of the Week
suits you - stand out - to fit in - persona - libarating

This training module, which is free, will make an important contribution to your efforts for learning English.  
Click here to access other English learning resources prepared by BBC.